Erdos Media Names The Washington Post #1 as 2023 Digital & Print Brand Among Opinion Leaders

Erdos Media Names The Washington Post #1 as 2023 Digital & Print Brand Among Opinion Leaders

The Washington Post is the #1 digital brand among opinion leaders and decision makers, according to the 2023 Opinion Leaders Study from Erdos Media. The Post’s combined website and app audience reaches 1 in 3 of national opinion leaders monthly, more than any other digital brand measured in the study.

The presence of The Post’s journalism in Washington is unmatched, with its print brand ranking #1 in the city. Its reach among federal government opinion leaders continues to dominate, with monthly consumption from more than 40 percent of federal government opinion leaders. The Post’s presence is equally wide-ranging within additional branches of government: 2 in 5 executive branch opinion leaders and 7 out of 10 legislative branch opinion leaders consume The Post monthly.

The Post’s digital footprint ranks #1 among opinion leaders in business and industry, defense and national security, science and public policy, and governance. Seven out of 10 private association opinion leaders also consume The Post monthly via website and app.

The recognition is the latest for The Post, which is also a finalist in the International News Media Association’s 2024 Global Media Awards and a nominee for three Awards for Excellence in Audio by The Podcast Academy in just the past month.

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